
Tender Procedure

a process which includes:

  • lease tender procedure conducted by an Organizer;
  • initial bids proposals by Participants (Bidders);
  • auction (3 rounds);
  • qualification (awarding) - identifying of the winner;
  • payment;
  • contract signing;
lease tender procedure initiator
Minimum number of qualified bids [minNumberOfQualifiedBids]
minimum eligible participant number count to consider procedure successful
Invalidation date [invalidationDate]
date when the last editing was made by an Organizer (initial bids invalidation occurs)
Valid bid
a bid whose value is equal to or higher than the value of value.amount + minimalStep
the main classifier
CPVS (Common Procurement Vocabulary)
additional (secondary) classifier
Tender Procedure life cycle

consists of the following periods:

  • tenderPeriod - the time span during which tender bids are being accepted;
  • enquiryPeriod - the time span during which participants can ask questions to clarify the tender terms;
  • rectificationPeriod - the time span during which an Organizer can introduce changes to tender terms;
  • auctionPeriod - the time span of auction itself;
  • verificationPeriod - the time span during which an Organizer identifies a winner;
  • paymentPeriod - the time span during which the Participant (Winner) makes payment;
  • signingPeriod - the time span of the contract uploading and activating;


  • tenderPeriod has to be at least 5 days longer than rectificationPeriod;
  • as the result of verification process is auction Protocol (confirmed and uploaded by an Organizer);
  • every period has its startDate and endDate.